Designing a modern home? Notch up the style quotient with these modern decor ideas

Chic, style, understated elegance and sophistication, you want your modern home to have all these elements in design and decor. The versatile materials, new technologies and advances in interior design allow you to bring in these influences while designing your modern home.  Not only for style, but today’s living spaces in metro cities are small and compact and demand interiors that have clean structures and high functionality. Even you can create a modern home which is stylish and comfortable with this modern home style and guide –

Colors – Modern Homes usually have clean spaces using neutral or white colors, however that can get boring and you can add a splash of color to bring out the accents in the room. One wall in the room can be wallpapered with backgrounds or solid colors that go in tune with your own modern home decor style & guide.

Textures – Different materials including earthy textures like bamboo, stone, metal can be used in the building as well interiors of the rooms. You can also use beautiful wall texture coverings to enhance the modern look.

Space – Ensure that there is a lot of space in the room between the furniture and other objects. Space is the main element of modern home decor style. This becomes especially important in case of compact homes where you need the light and air to make the room seem bigger.

Hobby Space – Modern living demands for exploration of self and that is best done through hobbies. Every modern home should have a hobby space or room as it will complete the modern look. You can also jazz it up using musicbooks or nature wallpapers.

Game space – Modern families entertain in casual settings including game nights or party nights. You need to have furniture like stools, pouffes and rugs that can accommodate a lot of people and yet not be intrusive to your modern home decor style & guide.

Trend setter – Modern decor is trend setting and your home will likely set the trend in home decor style, this can be done by using bold colors and unique furniture pieces. You can also use black & white wallpapers which will impact more than any other feature in the room!

Metallic look – Lot of modern stylish furniture comes in different metals like steel and glass, you can complement the look with metal or silver wallpapers to create a dazzling modern home decor style.

Text it up – Most families are into reading and fond of literature, you can also make a statement at your home with these text graphic wallpapers or have framed quotes that will augment your modern home decor style.

Bold it is – Millennials are characterized by their bold outlook of life and you can bring this outlook to your home by using bold centre pieces like a big coffee table or a large bookcase. You can even use bold wallpapers to enhance your modern decor style.


Travel junkie – Modern lifestyles demand a lot of travel, both for pleasure and work. You can bring your wanderlust into your modern home by displaying all your travel artifacts and souvenirs strategically in your room. Or you can create a travel room by using travel wallpapers which go well with your modern home decor style.  For any query, please call us on +91-98110-31749 or e-mail

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