How to Choose Wallpaper Design for Interior Decor
Wallpapers are not only a practical and easy solution for vibrant interior design, they also reflect your personality, interests and creative flair. Therefore, choose your wallpaper carefully to add a personalized touch to your home or office interiors – without wasting time, effort or money.
With hundreds of irresistible wallpaper styles and designs available on Print a Wallpaper, you would surely be spoilt for choices. Don’t worry! We’ll help you choose your design in an easy and effortless manner.
For starters, the four most important factors to consider while choosing your own wallpaper design include:
The first essential step is to determine the orientation of the wallpaper. If your wall is horizontal, choose only horizontal designs; for vertically oriented walls, go for vertical wallpapers.

Once you have decided the orientation, measure your wall accurately to determine the exact size of the wallpaper required to cover it.
When you have themes ranging from Abstract to Zen and everything in between, why not let your imagination take flight? Don’t shy away from experimenting with themes, patterns or textures to see what fits your fancy!
Your wallpaper must enhance the aesthetic value of your interior design, without making the interior space look squashed. Add a dramatic touch to your large rooms by covering entire walls with classy wallpapers to instill the mood. Big rooms feel cozy with darker wallpaper designs and striking themes. For smaller rooms that need to look spacious, go for the contemporary-chic look with cleaner lines and simpler geometrical prints.