Size does matter when it comes to buying wallpaper for your home or office because:
- You would not want to buy extra rolls which have no use and lie stacked around.
- You do not want to fall short of rolls to cover your entire wall.
- You do not want tacky work with frayed wallpaper sticking out at the corners.
Therefore, once you have zeroed down on the design, the next step is to measure the size of wallpaper you would require to cover up your walls in an aesthetic way.
In order to measure your wallpaper, you have to consider what you require:
- Full wall covering for high impact and best value for money.
- Partial wall covering for adding a certain theme to smaller spaces.
For Full Wall Coverings
- Width – Measure the horizontal distance of the wall, from corner to corner.
- Height – Measure the vertical height at each corner of the wall. Some walls are not perfectly square. If there is a difference in height, always select the greater of the two height measurements.

For Partial Wall Coverings
Make registration marks along the area that you want to cover.
- Width – Measure the horizontal distance between registration marks.
- Height – Measure the vertical height at each corner of the registration mark. You may want to cover a variety of heights. In case of difference in height, always select the greater of the two height measurements.

Most wallpaper designs are pretty flexible and trimming the edges to achieve a perfect finish does not harm the overall look. Always use a measuring tape to get the most accurate measurement. Finally, add a few extra inches along the sides of your wallpaper. This will give you a little breathing space in case of any odd mistakes!
Got any queries? Simply call us on +91.9811.031.749 today!