There is a wanderer in all of us. But only lucky few get to make travel their job. For others, travel is a more leisurely affair interspersed with long periods of stay at home. If you’re addicted to travelling but have to shuttle between home and a routine desk-job, perk things up a bit by adding some travel decor to your everyday surroundings. Here are top 30 travel decor ideas:

A world map would be a perfect travel decor for bedroom wall, reminding you and your partner to make travel plans to keep looking forward to.

Make your room a replica of your favourite place with their icons on your wall as a part of the travel-inspired room decor you have in mind.

A travel decor idea does not always have to be something man made. Nature is the most brilliant artist you will come across.

Or maybe it is a city that has stayed with you when all else has melted away – the perfect place for you with the partner of your dreams.

It can also be that you are looking for a more modern take on cities that you remember.

For a travel-themed office, instances of man-made wonders in harmony with nature make a good option as they are a perfect example of what a traveller seeks – proof that co-existence is possible.

If your company has roles and responsibilities that involve a lot of travel, then images associated with travel and commute make a good travel-themed office decor too.

Icons and statues that have survived time and are a testament to man’s creativity make one of the best travel decor for bedroom that one can come across.

Wallpapers serve as a good reminder of the places visited and the destinations calling too. Why not one that talks about collages and places?
Do you like life in the fast lane? Then motion blur is an amazing way to add speed to your room in the form of travel-inspired room decor?
For some, it is the calm and quiet of life that they appreciate more. After all, we should also stop to smell the roses.
Are you a season person? Maybe you prefer the grey mornings of winter or the bright hues of summer? Take your relevant pick from destinations and seasons.
A packed suitcase gets us all excited because it reminds us of the coming vacation. Even if a work trip, it is something to look forward to.
For those who long to be able to gaze out at sea and be one with it, sea inspired wallpapers make for a good travel-themed living room or travel-themed office.
But not all aim for the sea. Some prefer the comfort and familiarity of a boat. We present boat themed wall papers as the go-to travel decor for your bedroom:
There is something for every travel lover in our portfolio. We are just a call away if you would like more options. Call us now to know more.
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