Author Archives: Admin

How to Find the Best Wallpapers for Small Spaces?

Best Wallpapers: Most people think that painting their small spaces white can create the illusion of vastness. But, let’s face it, no amount of white can make your shoe size of an apartment look more prominent. So, there is no need to limit your creativity. You can use premium wallpapers adorned with bold shapes and […]

Psychology of interior design: how does home decor affect your emotions?

Space Shuttle Lift off

Wallpaper is not a new concept, but it has been a popular choice among homebound residents looking to remodel their spaces during quarantine. IT’S SIMPLE TO BE HAPPIER AT HOME! Simply taking off your shoes, removing your socks, grabbing your favourite beverage, and cuddling up beneath a blanket in the living room can have a […]

Stunning 3D wallpaper patterns for your home’s interiors

3D wallpaper

Include eye-catching 3D wallpaper with correct lighting to generate a spectacular visual effect if you want to give your home interiors a dynamic appeal. According to the most recent interior design trends, 3D wallpapers have become a popular décor option among homeowners. Three-dimensional wallpapers include motifs and patterns that appear to pop off the wall […]

The Most Common Wallpaper Missteps You Were Making

Common Wallpaper Missteps: If the influx of pattern-filled house tours and designer-approved collections is any indication, the wallpaper renaissance is far from over. However, while lining walls with a luscious repeat may add texture or visual interest to a client’s space, there is a lot of room for error. Just as room size, layout, and […]