Author Archives: Admin

6 things to remember before getting your wallpaper printing done

“Wallpaper or Mural or Wall Covering” is a western concept with Americans and Britons decorating their homes with beautiful accented wallpapers. However, there has been a sudden burst of wallpapers for homes in the Indian market since the past 5 years. A huge trend these days, wallpapers have become a must have in not only Indian homes, but also for offices, hotels and restaurants etc. With designs […]

Bring in Thailand to your living rooms with these Thai Murals

Thailand is a beautiful tropical country known for its exotic palaces, ancient Budhha temples and beautiful beaches. Whether you have visited Thailand or not you can bring Thailand home by adding beautiful Thai wall murals to your home decor. Wallpapers bearing beautiful Thai murals can be a great way to add an exotic element to your homes […]